Reverse Heart Disease
Hypertension is a state wherein the veins in the human body have lowered
the diameter to reduce the flow of blood through because of high cholesterol
levels at the periphery of the vein, putting them under higher pressure. The
higher the pressure, more efforts have required the heart to pump leading to
cardio problems diabetes, foetal and maternal death in pregnancy, Alzheimer's
disease and renal failure
Recent studies and analyses have shown that you can do to keep your
blood pressure within a healthy range by starting yoga.
The category of high blood pressure
According to medical science, the various categories of blood pressure
are Normal (less than 120/80 mm Hg);
Elevated (systolic between 120-129 mm Hg and diastolic less than 80 mm
Stage 1 (systolic between 130-139 mm Hg and diastolic 80-89 mm Hg);
Stage 2 (systolic at least 140 mm Hg or diastolic at least 90 mm Hg);
Hypertensive crisis (systolic over 180 mm Hg and/or diastolic over 120
mm Hg
According to the National Centre for Health Statistics, One in three
Indian adults have high blood pressure. It is estimated that people in India
have hypertension patients are 20 to 40% in urban areas and 12 to 17% in rural
areas of India where it's accountable for 57 percent of all stroke deaths and
24 percent of coronary heart disease deaths.
The main reason for the sedentary lifestyle is today's’ working the atmosphere and high stress everywhere
Many studies show that yoga can be a very effective and non-invasive way
of reducing high blood pressure. It is particularly effective in reducing the
diastolic number – which is the most important
It is recommended that people with high blood pressure should only
practice certain asanas (postures), whilst admitting that other asanas are not
suitable for them. The yogic practices of meditation and pranayama (breathing
exercises) are also particularly beneficial for people who suffer from high
blood pressure.
My Experience
I had suffered from high blood pressure since 2000 and Myocardial
infarction in June 2006. I was admitted to Ruby Hall Hospital in Pune where
Dr.Jagdish Hiremath treated me by angioplasty as my major vein got 100% choked
which resulted to suffer from the myocardial infarction. This has resulted in
me and my spouse's very shocking condition due to my family's responsibility.
During discharge from the hospital, Dr. Jagdish Hiremath has explained to me the
precautions to be taken in future, He has given me his DORH program book
(Dr. Dean Ornish reversing heart disease) written by Shubda Gogte.
Dr. Jagdish Hiremath has started DORH program called a rehearsal of heart
disease in May 1995 at Pune Hospital.
Dr. Senior member Ornish has acquainted a great many people worldwide
with the advantages of yoga, contemplation, and diet as a treatment for
hypertension and all the more explicitly interminable coronary illness
Dr. Ornish was brought into reflection, yoga and a veggie lover diet by
Swami Satchidananda (the originator of Integral Yoga) and read with him for a
long time until his passing in 2002. Vital Yoga was a key part of the coronary
illness program structured by Dr. Ornish. He perceived that pressure was a
central point in hypertension. The pressure the executive's systems that he
used at last get from yoga and reflection rehearses.)
1. Techniques for handling mental stress properly and for enhancing
psychological well-being with others
2. Diet for reduction of cholesterol and fats in the body
3. Instruction for stopping smoking and alcohol
4. Appropriate exercise.
1. Stress management:
· 2o minutes for stretches of the body which includes 12 types.
· 15 minutes for progressive deep relaxation
· 5 minutes for breathing
· 15-minute meditation
· 5 minutes for visualization (Imagination of anything)
2. Appropriate Exercise:
There are two types of exercise: 1.) Anaerobic and 2) Aerobic
Anaerobic exercise requires fast and vigorous movement example: Running,
skipping and it consumes lots of energy. This exercise should not be done by
the heart patient.
Aerobic exercise: It also consumes energy but proportionally e.g
walking, cycling jogging swimming, etc.
But cardiovascular patients should exercise in the right amount of time
and in the right way
For every heart patient treadmill test being performed which specifies
the functional capacity of the heart.
How to measure Functional capacity.
Minus the age number from 220 that will be the highest heart rate.
Example: If any person whose age is 50 then his most heart rate will be
Hence 170 X 45% = 77.1
170 X 80% = 136
That means, the person should increase his pulse speed to a limit of 77
to 136 during exercise and once he is up, he should exercise at the same pace
to keep up his speed.
3. Smoking and
· Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided forever. But still, the
person has the habit of smoking then he should not smoke at least 2 hours
before the exercise.
· After drinking alcohol person should not carry out the exercise.
4. Diet:
“What you eat today, walks tomorrow”: Dr. Ornish has recommended some
rules for diet.
· Diet should be cholesterol-free, low fat and low oily.
· 10% or less of the daily dietary heat calorie intake should be from
unsaturated fats.
· Saturated fatty food should be avoided like walnut, cashew nuts, and
· Meal should contain high fiber
· Ghee, butter, cheese, and cream to be avoided.
· Low-calorie milk or buttermilk can be consumed.
· Caffeine should be avoided
· Low salt and low sugar can be consumed.
· No restriction on how much calorie intake meal should consume the only
The calorie intake food should be such
10% from Saturated fat
70-75% from carbohydrate
15-20% from protein
Dr. Jagdish Hiremath has introduced an additional SSY program
(Siddha Samadhi Yoga). This program was first started by Shri Rishi
Prabhakar from Bangalore. There is more than 200 institute of SSY in
India and as well as in an overseas country like the US and Canada.
The SSY program helps to invoke the internal power of body and soul and
will benefit to encourage and enjoy life happily. Many people from cities and
villages also are following this program.
What is the SSY PROGRAM?
The SSY program emphasized on the purification of five sheaths (Kosa)
The five sheaths (kośa) are:
- the Annamayakośa (the
physical sheath),
- the Prāṇamayakośa (the vital
- the Manomayakośa (the mental
- the Vijñānamayakośa (the sheath of intellect)
- And the Ānandamayakośa (the sheath of Bliss).
The Kośas are compared to sheaths. As the sheath is external to the
sword, so also the kośas are external to the Ātman which is the innermost Self
of all. The Annamayakośa is the sheath wherein is encased the Prāṇamayakośa,
the Prāṇamayakośa is the sheath wherein is encased the Manomayakośa and so on.
The Ānandamayakośa is encased in the Vijñānamayakośa
How the SSY program is followed
1) Pranayama
2) Meditation
3) Conference on various subject
4) Discussion and Debate
5) A raw vegetarian meal without milk.
Explanation of the benefit of a raw vegetarian meal. They offer this raw
vegetarian meals to the participants also.
I have followed this program and it is 2019, Thirteen years are passed,
my all parameters are normal and I am enjoying and living happily.
As per Dr. Hiremath's recommendation (DORH program) every person should
consume ½ kg of oil per month. This will benefit as I have experienced a reduction
in my weight from 82 kg to 68 kg in one year.
But one more important value-added thing I would like to highlight is
that without family support it would not have been possible. Because she is
the only being who takes care in terms all your needs, like emotion, physical,
Reference: 1) Program for
Reversing Heart Disease written by Shubda Gogate.
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